Course 310: On-the-Job-Training and Occupational Bookkeeping Clean-up

Occupational Objective:

The graduate should be able to thrive at an advanced level bookkeeping or payroll processing position level at their current employment. This course offers a unique method of training to ensure that the student is learning how to apply their bookkeeping knowledge directly to their employer’s books. In this course, the student will be trained using their employer’s financials and accounting software, so they have direct “on-the-job training”. The extra advantage is that the employer’s books will be reviewed and cleaned-up by the employee as they’re being trained by the professional instructor(s).

Educational Topics:

Understanding the trial balance, income statement and the balance sheet; accounting method, review financial statements, accounts payable and receivable, journal entries, uncleared checks, payroll clean-up, sales tax clean-up, bounced checks, adjusting inventory, fixed assets, depreciation schedules, bad debt, collections, investment accounting, retained earnings, equity, payroll bonuses, cash gifts to employees. And the most exciting part - Clean-up of your company’s books!

Course Pre-Requisites:

Prospective student for Course 310: On-the-Job and Occupational Bookkeeping Clean-up course must currently be employed by a company and performing bookkeeping and/or payroll job duties. In addition, you must have taken Intro to Bookkeeping and Payroll course or taken the Intro to Bookkeeping and Payroll Exam and passed with an 86% grade or higher. Student must have written authorization from the owner(s) of the business that the student is able to access the company’s accounting file remotely or the ability to bring a laptop to class with the company’s working accounting file on it. All students must be proficient in typing, 10-key, and Microsoft Excel.

Available Classes:

Program / Course Costs:


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